Rail Infrastructure Hazard Awareness

Track Safety Training

View schedule of upcoming training dates

Despite major efforts by the industry to reduce the level of accidents to workers on the railway, accidents and incidents still occur during the most routine of tasks, partly because of the lack of hazard awareness and risk perception by workers carrying out those routine tasks. Railsafe Systems has recently designed a course to give track workers a greater awareness of the hazards they regularly encounter trackside and that they help to create - for example scrap materials. It teaches them to take time to carry out a basic but structured risk assessment before starting work so that they can identify
hazards already in place and ensure that they do not create new hazards.

The course lasts approximately three hours so that two courses can be run on the same day. The course can be run for groups of between six and twelve candidates.

Course Content and Delivery:
The aim of the course is to give candidates the practical skills to recognise hazards before they start work and to take positive action to eliminate or control them. The course also teaches candidates to think about what they leave behind them when they finish work so that further hazards are not created.

The course is highly interactive and pitched at a very practical level. The course is underpinned by the principle that we all carry out risk assessment in our daily lives – for example when we cross the road – but without realising it.

Whilst we have already developed the basic principles of the course, the detailed structure and content will be designed to meet the specific needs and circumstances of the customer

PDF document: Click here to view/download/print the course PDF document